modified on 4/8/24

Chemistry at Interfaces

We are proud of our international-compatible studies of interfaces and photocatalysts. Liquid-solid interfaces characterization with frequency-modulation AFM is one of the coming research issues. The other topic is photoinduced dynamics of water-splitting photocatalysts studied by time-resolved infrared and Raman spectroscopy. We are pleased to collaborate with researchers and students in applied chemistry, physics, geoscience, materials and mechanical engineering. PhD students are financially supported by the laboratory and university. Foreign students to promise much here in Kobe are welcome. See Study in Japan.

What's Hot

  • Kanako Endo, Naoki Saijo, Lu Zhengxi, Haduki Kenbishi, Hajime Kita, and Jiang Zehao joined the team. Welcome! 4
  • Dr. Yi Hao Chew has been promoted to be an assistant professor. Congratulations! 4
  • Kyohei Matsui, Kanako Endo and Naoki Saijo have graduated. Congratulations!3
  • Chew, Y.-H.; Onishi, H. Infrared Absorption of Zn0.5Cd0.5S Photocatalyst Bandgap-Excited Under an Aqueous Environment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2024, 128, 4535–4543. link3
  • Rikuto Miyamot  joined the team. Welcome!2
  • Outcomes of year 2023: 2 master student2, 2 undergraduate students, 3 original papers, 3 invited talks, 9 contributed talks, 6 posters. Good job!12
  • Oscillating AFM force curves, journal papers database

    Perovskite-structured tantalate photocatalysts, journal papers database

What's Cool