Asuka Takeishi, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Division of Biomolecular Organization, Molecular Physiology

Research Interests

How do animals make behavioral choices based on information collected from the environment? We are interested in the way the nervous system senses and integrates multiple environmental cues in order to produce behavior and responses. We use the worm C. elegans as a model to investigate mechanisms of sensory integration by behavior analysis, calcium imaging and molecular genetics approaches.

Research Focus

  • Neural mechanisms that mediate temperature-dependent chemotaxis in C. elegans
  • Noxious heat tolerance in C. elegans
  • Behavior regulation of C. elegans on a mechanical nonreciprocity material

Recent Publications

  • Yeon J, Takeishi A, Sengupta P (2021)
    Chronic vs acute manipulations reveal degeneracy in a thermosensory neuron network.
    microPublication Biology, 10.17912/micropub.biology.000355
  • Takeishi A, Yeon J, Harris N, Yang W, Sengupta P (2020)
    Feeding state functionally reconfigures a sensory circuit to drive thermosensory behavioral plasticity.
    eLife, 61167
  • Takeishi A, Yu YV, Hapiak VM, Bell HW, O’Leary T, Sengupta P (2016)
    Receptor-type guanylyl cyclases confer thermosensory responses in C. elegans.
    Neuron, 90, 235-244.


Office: Bldg C, Room 614 (Lab: Room 613)

Tel&Fax +81-78-803-5722

