About Us

Our Philosophy

     Biology is a branch of science to perform comprehensive study of life. Living organisms are composed of relatively few elements which, through complex metabolic reactions, are fabricated into macromolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, resulting in a variety of structures and functions. Life stores the information necessary to carry out these processes in the form of nucleotide sequences in DNA molecules and uses it only when needed for growth and development.
     In general, the information an organism possesses does not change significantly between its birth and death, but over evolutionary time it gradually changes its quality and quantity in response to environmental changes and as a consequence of competition with other organisms. Thus, in biology it is possible and at the same time necessary to select the research subjects at various levels, from analysis at the molecular level of the relation between structure and function of biological molecules to the analysis of alterations in individual and/or populations of organisms.
     The Department of Biology of Kobe University has attempted to study living organisms from as various aspects as possible, and used the results of such research activities in student education.