Our research group is carrying out various research activities in collaboration with other domestic universities, companies, and overseas research institutes. You will interact with many people through your graduation research. We are looking for forward-thinking students who not only want to acquire specialized skills, but also want to acquire professional behavior, overcome shyness, and acquire independence.
永田・三木研究室では、ハードウェアのセキュリティとセイフティに関する実践的な研究開発 、さらに量子コンピュータを具現する研究開発 (ムーンショット目標6)を進めています。 最先端技術に興味のある学生の皆さん、オープンラボに参加してください。
Our research group is carrying out various research activities in collaboration with other domestic universities, companies, and overseas research institutes. You will interact with many people through your graduation research. We are looking for forward-thinking students who not only want to acquire specialized skills, but also want to acquire professional behavior, overcome shyness, and acquire independence.
The Nagata and Miki Laboratory participates in various academic conferences both domestically and internationally. It is characterized by many opportunities to be active globally.
The number of presentations and awards received by students in 2020 is as follows.
- international conference presentations: 7
- presentations at domestic conferences: 13
- awards: 4