Yasuro Kadono, Dr.Sci.

Professor, Division of Biodiversity, Ecology and speciation

Research Interests

 Aquatic macrophytes have evolved from the terrestrial ancestors with diverse adaptations to water environments. We are interested in unique ecology and adaptations of aquatic macrophytes, including morphological plasticity, reproductive ecology and life history strategies as well as eco-physiological adaptations. Comparative ecological studies are our approach to reveal the evolution and diversification of aquatic macrophytes. Recently, ca. 43% of aquatic macrophyte species in Japan are threatened by human impacts such as loss of aquatic habitats and water pollution. Decrease of natural and artificial disturbance associated with flood control and the increase of fallow agricultural fields has also caused the decline of many populations of aquatic macrophytes. However, basic information on the present status and ecological traits of the endangered species is still lacking. Thus, the conservation biology of endangered species is one of our main concerns now. In addition, the ecological risk of invasive alien aquatic plants is one of our research topics. Based on these studies, we aim at the conservation of biodiversity.

Research Focus

1. Comparative ecological study of aquatic macrophytes in Japan
2. Conservation ecology of endangered aquatic macrophytes
3. Ecological study of invasive alien aquatic macrophytes
4. Taxonomical studies of aquatic macrophytes in Japan
5. Evaluation and conservation of wetlands in Japan

Recent Publication

  • Momokawa, N., Y. Kadono and H. Kudoh (2011)
    Effects of light quality on leaf morphogenesis of a heterophyllous amphibious plant, Rotala hippuris.
    Ann. Bot. 108, 1299-1306.
  • Kato, R. and Y. Kadono (2011)
    Seed germination traits of Trapella sinensis (Trapellaceae), an endangered aquatic plant in Japan: Conservation implications.
    Aquat. Bot. 95, 258-261.
  • Akasaka M,, N. Takamura, H. Mitsuhashi and Y. Kadono (2010)
    Effects of land use on aquatic macrophyte diversity and water quality of ponds.
    Freshwat. Biol. 55, 909-922.
  • Shibayama, Y. and Y. Kadono (2008)
    Genetic variations in the endangered aquatic plant Nymphoides coreana (Menyantaceae) in south-western Japan.
    Plant Species Biol. 23, 212-216.
  • Shibayama, Y. and Y. Kadono (2007)
    The effect of water-level fluctuations on seedling recruitment in an aquatic macrophyte Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze (Menyanthaceae).
    Aquat. Bot. 87, 320-324.


Office: Bldg C, Rm 422

Tel&fax: 078-803-5719

E-mail: kadono@kobe-u.ac.jp