Graduate School of Agricultural Science,Kobe University Division of Applied Chemistry in Bioscience Functional Phytoohemistry Lab         神戸大学大学院農学研究科


学会発表  2006年度

  全発表者名 講演タイトル 学会名
33 古寺亜衣、山内靖雄、杉本幸裕 高温ストレスを受けたシロイヌナズナにおけるアルデヒド生成機構の解析と被修飾タンパク質の探索、


32 杉本幸裕 根圏情報物質ストライゴラクトンの化学と機能、


31 Abdelbagi, M.A., Nasreen, M.K., Ibrahim, N., Hiraoka, Y., Sugimoto, Y. Marker assisted breeding of stay-green trait to enhance drought tolerance in sorghum,

JSPS AA Science Platform Program Seminar

30 Hiraoka, Y., Sugimoto, Y.  Interactions between the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica and its host Sorghum bicolor at a molecular level,

JSPS AA Science Platform Program Seminar

29 Sugimoto, Y., Ueyama, T., Yasuda, N., Wakiuchi, N. In vitro production and biosynthesis of strigolactones, germination stimulants for parasitic weeds Striga and Orobanche,

JSPS AA Science Platform Program Seminar

28 Abdelbagi, M.A., Yasir, S.E., Elfatih, A.A., Dafalla, A.D., Yabuta-Miyamoto, S., Sugimoto, Y. Molecular diversity of Striga hermonthica collected from different locations and host plant species,

JSPS AA Science Platform Program Seminar

27 平岡幸浩、杉本幸裕 根寄生植物ー宿主植物間相互作用の分子解析(II) ストライガの寄生に対する感受性の異なるソルガムの応答、


26 中本ちひろ、平岡幸浩、山内靖雄、杉本幸裕 高温にさらされたシロイヌナズナでのマロンジアルデヒドの機能解析、 植物化学調節学会
25 Sugimoto, Y., Yasuda, N., Ueyama, T., Wakiuchi, N. Strigolactones, germination stimulants for parasitic weeds Striga and Orobanche; action mechanisms, in vitro production and biosynthesis,

IUPAC International Conference of Pesticide Chemistry

24 Hiraoka, Y., Sugimoto, Y. Interactions between the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica and its host Sorghum bicolor at a molecular level, IUPAC International Conference of Pesticide Chemistry
23 Kondo, Y., Takikawa, H., Miyake, H., Sugimoto, Y., Sasaki, M. Synthesis and germination stimulating activity of some imino-analogs of strigolactones,

 IUPAC International Conference of Pesticide Chemistry

22 Tadokoro, E., Iwasaki, K., Takikawa, H., Miyake, H., Sugimoto, Y., Sasaki, M. Synthesis and germination stimulating activity of some phenyliminoacetates and phenyliminoaceto nitriles,

IUPAC International Conference of Pesticide Chemistry

21 Ueyama, T., Sugimoto, Y. Isolation of a germination stimulant for root parasitic plants, from Lotus japonicus root culture,

IUPAC International Conference of Pesticide Chemistry

20 上山知樹、杉本幸裕 ミヤコグサ培養根が生産する根寄生植物種子発芽刺激物質の同定、


19 杉本幸裕、松井美春 コウモリカズラ培養根における含塩素アルカロイドの生合成前駆体の探索、


18 Sugimoto, Y., Matsui, M. Halogenated alkaloids from Menispermum dauricum root culture,

IUPAC International Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products

17 Yasuda, N., Ueyama, T., Sugimoto, Y. Isolation of strigolactones from root cultures,

IUPAC International Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products

16 脇内成昭、上紺屋朋代、冨安礼奈、平岡幸浩、山内靖雄、杉本幸裕 ショ糖を基質としたガラクチノールの酵素合成法の開発、


15 山内靖雄、田中浄、脇内成昭、杉本幸裕 高温ストレスにより生成するマロンジアルデヒドが植物に与える生化学的・分子生物学的影響、


14 Hiraoka, Y. Yabuta, S., Yamauchi, Y., Sugimoto, Y. Molecular interactions between the parasitic weed Striga hermonthica and its host Sorghum bicolor,

Pacifichem 2005

13 Sugimoto, Y. Our approach to control the parasitic weeds Striga and Orobanche,

JSPS AA Science Platform Program Seminar